The franchise was created by game designer Shigeru Miyamoto, and its first installment was the arcade game Donkey Kong, released on July 9, 1981. It centers around the fictional character Mario, an Italian plumber who serves as the hero of a realm called the Mushroom Kingdom. The Super Mario franchise, also known simply as the Mario franchise, is a media franchise chiefly consisting of video games published and produced by the Japanese company Nintendo. If it were not for this blindingly spectacular creation, digital entertainment as we know it today would not exist.” - Hideo Kojima, Nintendo PowerVolume 230, November 2010 “Super Mario is equivalent to the Big Bang of our gaming universe. Donkey Kong, Mario Baseball, Mario Strikers, Mario & Sonic, Mario + Rabbids Mario, Mario Kart, Mario Discovery, Mario Party, Mario Golf, Mario Artist, Mario Tennis, Paper Mario, Super Mario Advance, Luigi's Mansion, Mario & Luigi, Mario vs. Mario Bros., Golf, Wrecking Crew, Super Mario, Dr. Super Mario RPG ( Nintendo Switch) ( 2023) The updated/current versions of the logo, used since Super Mario 3D Land ( 2011) For the main series of platform games, see Super Mario (series).
This article is about the whole Super Mario franchise.